![]() 07/18/2017 at 10:27 • Filed to: None | ![]() | ![]() |
I was stuck behind 2 silver Priuii this morning. They each wanted to change in to the other Prius’ lane, so the one on the left had it’s right turn signal on and the one on the right had it’s left turn signal on. They were perfectly matching each-others slowly decreasing speed. It wasn’t until they came almost to a complete stop that one of them accelerated and moved over.
![]() 07/18/2017 at 10:30 |
I see it all the time, but I can’t fathom why people who want to change into your lane will match speeds perfectly when they’re directly along side of you.
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A Prius did the same thing to me the other day. The road was dropping down to one lane and I kept trying to slow down to let them merge ahead and they just kept slowing down alongside me.
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If I’m not in the process of passing them, I’ll usually try to let someone over, but the second they hit the brakes, they lost their chance. That pisses me off to no end.
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I give a three second count and then let them merge somewhere else. The move people use here in Seattle is to pull upside the destination lane (usually packed with cars and moving slowly) and come to a stop in the current lane (usually not packed with cars and moving quickly) to wait for someone to leave a huge gap. I swear if people learned how to merge it would cut our traffic problems in half.
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It’s like that whole “slow down and put my blinker on, THEN look over into the next lane” that so many people seem to do, as if a lane change is some unexpected emergency maneuver. My wife always gives me a hard time about not signaling until I’m ready to move. I always say “I don’t beg unless I have to” which probably sounds cocky, but it’s just good driving sense.
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Yeah. They’ve effectively demonstrated that they aren’t someone I want to be behind, so if they aren’t actually getting in my way yet... tfb bud you’re staying behind me.
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I like to subscribe to the philosophy of “You hesitate, you die” when making moves like that.
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Most of the time I have an “innocent until proven guilty” policy with other drivers... Priuses, Corollas and crap-era Hyundai/Kia products get “guilty until proven innocent”.
Econoboxes of any type along with Rav4's and CR-V’s get the former, but have a very close eye kept on them.
Vans of any type are totally unpredictable.
![]() 07/18/2017 at 10:55 |
They ALWAYS do that.
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I was on a back road the other day, stuck behind a slow Prius (going 5-10 under). When a turn lane appeared, the Prius pulled over and let me pass. Gotta give credit to them.
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I’ll never touch the brakes until they begin the act of merging... unless they’re on a really short ramp and doing the best they can. Or something like that.
If they can’t get in while I’m coasting down a little for them, they can damn well get in somewhere else. Just because you don’t mind hitting the brakes in the middle of the highway doesn’t mean I should.
![]() 07/18/2017 at 11:08 |
That last line pretty much sums my feelings up.
If you’re pulling away from the car you’re getting in front of, they don’t need much notice... and since so many people don’t like someone else in front of them (to be fair, I don’t really blame them—you never know what kind of driver it is) and decide to speed up (that part IS the dick move), giving less notice can make things less awkward.
If you have not much space to get in, I’ll try the begging approach by giving lots of notice before I commit. If it doesn’t work I’ll just go to the next exit/intersection, but 99% of the time it works. I do like to throw a little “extra persuasion” into it by edging in though. Not so much that I can’t get out again, but enough so that people usually back off rather than try to block you.
Other points:
- If you give a millisecond of notice while traveling slower than the car you’re getting in front of, you’re a dick.
- I’m referring to situations where I KNOW WHERE I’M GOING. If you find out at the last second that you’re in the wrong lane, TOO FUCKING BAD. GO TO THE NEXT TURNOFF.
- I’ve said this before, and I’ll say it again. This should be in every drivers ed book/course. Multiple times.
![]() 07/18/2017 at 11:10 |
You can be slow, but for fucks sake at least be decisive.
I’ve said this before, and I’ll say it again. This should be in every drivers ed book/course. Multiple times:
![]() 07/18/2017 at 11:11 |
Wow. Around here they’d probably pull halfway into that lane so you couldn’t use either lane to pass if you wanted to.
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*and any type of large soccer mom SUV are completely unpredictable.
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Yeah, that’s usually the norm with me. But I was also in my sedate-looking stock TSX as opposed to my loud, angry, fire-breathing modified Prelude. Probably wouldn’t have moved over for me if I’d been in the other car.
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There’s one exit I take daily on my commute. It gets backed up somewhat regularly. An exit lane is to the right, but when it gets backed up it overflows into the rightmost lane.
When I’m in this traffic, I will hug the left side of the exit lane (red line in photo), because people will always try to sneak up and fit their car into the exit. It pisses people off to no end when I do it.
But you know what, there’s a simple solution. Get in the back of the line. If I had to wait here, you do too.
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I find them more predictable. They’re usually more aggressive. With vans, you don’t know if it’s their own, or fleet, or they don’t care about driving, or they do but needed family space... don’t even get started on minivan taxis
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When in doubt, power out! This is why I never slow down to make it into other lanes. I just always speed up and try to get ahead. And if I miss my exit or turn, oh well I will go around and try again or find another route.
You can’t go wrong with speeding up. You will either out race the other guy or you will force them to speed up more and solve the problem that way. But most people are unwilling to race you.
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People that use turnouts to let me pass are literally the best people in the world. I bow down and worship them every time. You can go as slow as you want as long as you eventually move when its safe to do so. God damn do slow people on curvy roads piss me off. I refuse to speed much on the highway because cops but you would be hard pressed to get pulled over doing 10-15 over on a twisty road out in the middle of nowhere.
![]() 07/18/2017 at 11:42 |
Yeah, everyone talks about Virginia cops but they don’t patrol the back roads. The only time I’ve ever seen them on any is when they’ve had actual reasons to, like when I saw a couple heading towards a brush fire last week. And I usually encounter slow people on back roads that have passing zones, and typically have time to go around them. Had said Prius driver not moved over for me, I would have gone around them at a passing zone that was just ahead.
![]() 07/18/2017 at 12:02 |
I see that in Bellevue every single day. My horn now has a usage meter in hours, like an industrial engine.
I don’t know who to blame, the cheater, or the moron who lets them in. Seattle passive-aggressiveness in perfect form.
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Unless they really force their way in, the guys that piss me off more are the ones who leave the gaps in the lineup. Frankly, that space is there for the taking. You’re barely moving, you don’t need an accordion bus of braking space. I don’t blame the guys that cut into those spaces at all—someone might as well use the space.
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Well yeah, it irks me when people leave space too. If there’s no space, the line jumpers won’t have any where to go. When I’m in traffic like that (or leaving a sporting event, for instance) it’s pretty much a NASCAR race with how much space I leave between me and the person in front of me.
Now, this might make me sound like a dick. I’m generally a courteous driver. Except when people try to jump in line. THESE people are one of the reason that traffic never flows smoothly
![]() 07/18/2017 at 12:52 |
One caveat to that, are the assholes that have no clue how to properly zipper merge or have no understanding on how this is supposed to work and ride between the two lanes blocking traffic.
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the zipper is such an easy thing, too. Yet people don’t understand it at all. I love watching the people who are obviously well behind a semi get all pissed off when the semi zippers properly and they get stuck. The truck doesn’t want to be stuck in this mess either. He’s just trying to do his job!
![]() 07/18/2017 at 13:29 |
I was so mad when I got pulled over the other day in the middle of nowhere though here in NJ. I was following behind a guy going about 53 in a 55 (one lane each direction) and finally got around to passing him once a section opened up. Of course right when I did I get pulled over for going 73 in a 55 by a cop coming the other way (should have recognized the Charger lights!). He let me go with just a verbal warning but it just annoyed me. I mark that down as bad luck haha.
But yeah I generally dont see cops out in the sticks. Although once in VA I did see a cop staking out the Blue Ridge Parkway. I wasn’t speeding much in that section thankfully but I guess that road is a little too well known to truly call a “back road”.
![]() 07/18/2017 at 13:44 |
This. I don’t mind slow drivers if their manner is otherwise competent and predictable.
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Doesn’t surprise me that a cop would be staking out the BRP, but I wonder about their jurisdiction allowance with it. It’s a National Park Service road, so it’s mainly under the jurisdiction of park rangers. Most of the times i’ve driven the Colonial Parkway in the Williamsburg area I’ve seen only one ranger on the entire 18-mile stretch. Not that the road is particularly hoon-friendly.